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There is always something interesting happening in the DATE user community. Whether it is an exercise, or a training course, or announcement regarding the publishing of new training product, bookmark this page to get the latest news and information.
In recent times, small drones have transformed the way war is waged. Constant innovations in technology are being adapted to the battlefield, leading to sharper, more lethal tactics. Learn more through our Drone tactics videos.
In November 2024, the TASSC Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE), Team provided critical support to the second QUAD Counter-Terrorism Working Group Meeting and Fifth Tabletop Exercise hosted by Japan in Tokyo.
Who says wargaming is only for fun or as part of the Military Appreciation Process?
The Training Adversary System Support Cell (TASSC) recently concluded a successful engagement at the
Association of the United States Army (AUSA) exposition and conference held in Washington D.C. from
October 9-11, 2023.
Failure to heed intelligence, Training Adversary System Support Centre staff writer.
ION and information returns to the 3rd Brigade, Brolga Run in 2023.
The conference, the first of its kind since 2019, brought together 19 participants from five nations to collaborate on DATE and ION implementation.
Information Operations Effectively used by Australian Defence Force 3 Brigade, in Exercise Brolga Run.
Exercise Predators Run Exercise (1BDE War-fighter Exercise) 2022
OP GOLDEN DAO, the Grey Zone Operations Playbook released!
WO2 Eddie Walsh and CAPT Jimmy Wilson, from the Combat Training Centre, examine the use of Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) and the Contemporary Operational Environment Forces (COEFOR) in training scenarios.
The Marine Rotational Force - Darwin (MRF-D) 2021 rotation has successfully completed a series of exercises in Australia, becoming the first US Marines to have used the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE)
A key training event for the Australian Army, Ex KD 21 rehearses the integration of USMC and ADF forces through live fire practice in a joint land combat scenario.
US TRADOC has developed a very handy webpage with key information on how DATE can be used by exercise designers and training audiences.
DATE has taken a significant leap forward with the latest updates to its website.