Operation Steel Sentinel
OP STEEL SENTINEL sees Australia leading a multi-national force against a Olvanan aggressor on the Belesian island of Panay. This is a medium intensity conflict against near peer adversary. The intent of this general idea is to enable Joint Collective Training up to JTF level and below utilising DATE-Pacific.
Countries in this scenario

The Federated States of Belesia is a relatively new democracy in the region. The turbulence of its independence from colonial rule continues to create stability challenges throughout its many member-islands.

The Republic of Gabal is a relatively new democracy, having emerged from joint rule by two Western European countries in 1977.

Since the People’s Republic of Olvana is the largest country in the region in terms of size and population and with an intent to serve as the regional hegemon, Olvana maintains the largest military in the Pacific.
Relevant resources
More Information
For more information, or for support in customising these scenarios to fit your training needs, please use the contacts link below to reach out the the Operating Environments team at the TASSC.