Olvanan Adversary Posters

What do you really know about our pacing threat? If you were asked to identify one of their vehicles or pieces of signature equipment could you do it? Do you know how the they operate or where to go to improve and extend your knowledge? The Australian Army Battle Lab’s Training Adversary System Support Centre (TASSC), is your centre of excellence for the development and delivery of threat literacy products. Decisive Action Training Environment | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) (army.gov.au)

The Cove recently published a suite of Battle Lab posters aimed at developing our combat readiness by cementing our essential soldier skills.  Now the Battle Lab has delivered the first in a series of products aimed at increasing your threat literacy. 

See below to access Battle Lab adversary resources:

Urban Operation Adversary Poster

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Urban Operations: This is where the adversary is preparing to fight! Like the poster says, the majority of the world’s population lives either in, or on the fringe of an urban environment, and this is only going to increase over time.  The adversary has a technological edge, and they have restructured their forces to operate and win in this environment.  The TASSC has a fully developed urban operations tactics package with a suite of short videos to help you really get into the detail of hoe they operate.  Urban tactics package | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) (army.gov.au)

Adversary Poster

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Survivability: How is the adversary going to target you? What assets do they have in the Combined Arms Brigade?  Whether it is with long range fires, or loitering munitions it is crucial you understand what they are looking for and what they intend to do.  Understanding the enemy ISR and fires capability is key to reducing your signature.   This link will take you to a massive library of information.  TRADOC G2 | Operational Environment Enterprise | TRADOC G2 Operational Environment Enterprise (army.mil)

Combined Arms Adversary Poster

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Combined Arms Manoeuvre: This is the bread and butter of our training adversary.  They eat, sleep and breathe as one organisation, and are resourced for the fight in terms of troops and equipment.  This package provides a low level understanding of dismounted tactics, Olvana Land Tactics Package | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) (army.gov.au) For a deeper understanding of the pacing threat use of combined arms, this is the primary resource. ATP 7-100.3 | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) (army.gov.au)

Personal Security Adversary Poster

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Personal Security: The fight you are preparing for is not only when you are on the ground facing down a Combined Arms Brigade.  It is a fight that will extend to your life at home, and to your family and friends.  Everyone will become a target and you need to know how to protect yourself. Stop thinking that the adversary only cares about military comms. They will be looking for your Bluetooth headphones or your smartwatch as well.  Anything that gives them a better understating of where and what you are will enable them to target you!

Adversary Poster 2 Chemical threat.PNG

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CBRN: What do you think of when you think of chemical weapons - the first three things listed on the poster right?  The pacing threat has an organic chemical company in the Combined Arms Brigade, as well as Chemical Brigade organic at Army level.  It is an important capability used to enable combined arms manoeuvre at all levels. Have a look at the Olvanan Asymmetric Warfare Brigade which uses chemical obscurants in the urban environment. Olvanan Asymmetric Warfare Brigade | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) (army.gov.au)

Adversary Poster UAS

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Small UAS: There is currently no military in the world which has a better handle on the use of small UAS than the pacing threat. Embedded from squad level and above, the growing use of all types of drones in both the current, and future battle space is critical to understanding the threat.  Have a more in-depth read on the use of drones in the contemporary environment here Red Diamond use of Drones, and check back on our site soon as we will be delivering an Olvanan Small UAS tactics package in the near future.


Know your enemy Adversary Poster

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Know your Enemy: One of the key principles of the use of DATE is threat literacy.  The starting point of this is knowing who you will fight, how they are equipped, and how they are structured.  We can provide you with endless forces structures at the Brigade level and above, but the best place to start is with the soldier.  Here are some videos to get you started.

The Olvanan Marine | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) (army.gov.au)

Olvanan Marine Squad and Platoon | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) (army.gov.au)

The Olvanan Marine Company Detachment | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) (army.gov.au)