Olvanan Jungle Warfare Tactics at Combined Arms Brigade and Below

The Olvanan People’s Army has no dedicated jungle forces in their ORBAT. In order to generate an element to fight in the jungle they will be required to re-role from whatever their existing format is (motorised, mechanised etc.) into light infantry Combined Arms Brigades who must quickly learn to fight both the enemy, and the environment.  This package provides an understanding of how Olvana achieves this.

This package is in draft and will be officially published shortly.  A suite of supporting video product is in development and will appear on this page in the coming weeks.  Please check back regularly for updates, and if you have any feedback please use this link to contact us.

Relevant resources

The list of related resources is listed below

LP 7.2.0 Olvanan Jungle Warfare Tactics at Combined Arms Brigade
Tactics Techniques and Procedures

Jungle operations are a 5m fight, that depend heavily on junior leadership, reconnaissance, and communications. They are also a fight which pits forces against the environment as well as the enemy therein. This publication aims to show how Olvana adapts its force structures, training, and tactics in order to enable successful jungle operations at Combined Arms Brigade level and below.